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However, taking this alkaloid alone can be too potent for one dose. Studies have shown that 7-hydroxymitragynine can have up to 10 times more strength than morphine.

7-hydroxymitragynine’s effective painkilling powers have turned Tramasol™ into a popular substitute for those undergoing opiate withdrawal. Many have successfully recovered from their opiate dependence due to a small quantity of this alkaloid.

Alkaloids in Tramasol™

Here are the main alkaloids present in Tramasol™ with their main uses.

  • 7-hydroxymitragynineanalgesic/painkiller (opioid receptor agonist), antidiarrheal, antitussive
  • Mitragynine – analgesic/painkiller (opioid receptor agonist), antidiarrheal, antitussive, adrenergic receptor agonist (mild stimulant), antimalarial
  • Speciogynine – smooth muscle relaxer
  • Mitraphylline – muscle relaxer, vasodilator, anti-hypertensive, anti-amnesic, immune system stimulant, anti-leukemic
  • Epicatechin (EGC) – antioxidant, antiviral, anti-mutagenic, anti-leukemic, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic. EGC is commonly found in green tea.
  • 9-Hydroxycorynantheidine – painkiller/analgesic
  • Corynantheidine – mu opioid antagonist
  • Isomitraphylline – immune system stimulant
  • Isomitrafoline – immune system stimulant
  • Isorhynchophylline – immune system stimulant
  • Isopteropodine – immune system stimulant
  • Ciliaphylline – analgesic, antitussive
  • Corynoxine A – dopamine mediator
  • Corynoxine B – dopamine mediator
  • Ajmalicine – sedative (anti-adrenergic), increases blood flow to brain, smooth muscle relaxer
  • Rhynchophylline – anti-inflammatory, vasodilator, anti-hypertensive
  • Speciociliatine – mild opioid receptor agonist
  • Speciophylline – anti-leukemic
  • Tetrahydroalstonine – anti-adrenergic, lowers blood sugar

Benefits of Tramasol™

The known benefits of Tramasol™ include:

  • immediate pain relief
  • relief from chronic pain
  • fortifying the immune system
  • opiate withdrawal relief
  • transitional relief / opiate maintenance
  • improved mood and disposition
  • stimulation of energy
  • treatment of anxiety (ancxiolytic)
  • relief from depression
  • cognition enhancement (nootropic)
  • anti-malarial effects
  • anti-inflammatory effects
  • anti-leukemic effects
  • lowers blood sugar
  • high anti-oxidant content
  • sexual enhancer
  • high vitamin content
  • high ascorbic acid content
  • promotes general health

Possible Side Effects

Tramasol™ is safe to use and there are no recorded deaths linked to its usage. Like any drug, it has certain side effects that can be felt after prolonged use. These side effects include: headaches, nausea, and the inability to focus. It is recommended to use proper dosages to minimize the presence of these side effects.

Recommended Dosage

Sticking to the dose appropriate to what you are treating is very important. When using Tramasol™, be guided by the recommended dosages:

Average Dose in Grams (g):

  • Low dose – 1-2g (1 tab)
  • Moderate dose – 2-4g (2 tabs)
  • High dose – 5-8g (Do not take more than 2 tabs unless your doctor prescribes it.)

Safety Information

Consult your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms over a long duration of time:

  • chronic nausea,
  • excessive headaches,
  • loss of the ability to work,
  • inability to focus,
  • mild jitters

If you get an allergic reaction to Tramasol™, stop the usage right away and seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Before taking this product, let your doctor know about your complete medical history, especially of: brain injuries, other head injuries that could potentially affect the brain, tumors, seizures, breathing or respiratory problems such as asthma, sleep apnea, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease-COPD, kidney disease, liver disease, mental disorders such as depression, suicidal thoughts, obsession, intense confusion, and a personal and family history of the regular use of alcohol and legal or illegal drugs.

To maximize the desired health effects, do not take Tramasol™ in high dosages over a long period of time. This can cause its medicinal effects to be felt less.

Do not take Tramsol with other substances such as alcohol and other drugs.





  1. Nancy Howison

    I would be interested in this product. I haven’t been able to get my pain medication for 4 months and I am in so much pain that I can’t walk around the block. I am home and in bed most days. I am retired, I want to have a better quality of life.

  2. anthony t anderson

    big business trying to get the hurd on some b s snake oil. if your going to try this stuff then buy akuamma seeds.they will be much and they work with out the smoke and mirrors.look it up

  3. Lynn S

    Just order Kratom (Mitragyna Speciosa) from a vetted online vendor. It’s much cheaper and is not adulterated with other compounds, therefore it’s completely 100% natural plant leaf.

  4. Roz S

    Kratom is not a wonder drug. It may be that ascorbic acid is a good potentiator here, or just the higher alkaloid concentration does the trick. As with every product, the goose and the gander have different needs.
    I will not order the super size until I try it, but if it works, I’m buying out the entire supply.

  5. Brann Adams

    Yep those are the main alkaloids in Kratom. You basically have a kratom pill. I can see this being ok but there are many other alkaloids in the kratom powder that are not contained in this pill that are very beneficial. And of course kratom is not a drug, it is an leaf. So please don’t put down kratom while selling it’s alkaloids. I have no problem with this pill if it helps people stop their pain .

  6. Pain Relief
    Pain Relief

    Tramasol™ provides superior pain relief from a variety of immediate and chronic pain triggers such as migraines, muscle pain, back pain, and more. It contains powerful alkaloids such as mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, which react with the human brain by tapping into the sensors that receive pain signals and define mood patterns.

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