Aspirin is linked to several probable and suspected interactions that influence the activity of other drugs.
Prescription aspirin is used to relieve the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis (arthritis caused by swelling of the lining of the joints), osteoarthritis (arthritis caused by breakdown of the lining of the joints), systemic lupus erythematosus (condition in which the immune system attacks the joints and organs and causes pain and swelling) and certain other rheumatologic conditions (conditions in which the immune system attacks parts of the body).
Nonprescription aspirin is used to reduce fever and to relieve mild to moderate pain from headaches, menstrual periods, arthritis, colds, toothaches, and muscle aches. Nonprescription aspirin is also used to prevent heart attacks in people who have had a heart attack in the past or who have angina (chest pain that occurs when the heart does not get enough oxygen). Nonprescription aspirin is also used to reduce the risk of death in people who are experiencing or who have recently experienced a heart attack.
Nonprescription aspirin is also used to prevent ischemic strokes (strokes that occur when a blood clot blocks the flow of blood to the brain) or mini-strokes (strokes that occur when the flow of blood to the brain is blocked for a short time) in people who have had this type of stroke or mini-stroke in the past.
Aspirin will not prevent hemorrhagic strokes (strokes caused by bleeding in the brain). Aspirin is in a group of medications called salicylates. It works by stopping the production of certain natural substances that cause fever, pain, swelling, and blood clots.
Aspirin is also available in combination with other medications such as antacids, pain relievers, and cough and cold medications. This monograph only includes information about the use of aspirin alone. If you are taking a combination product, read the information on the package or prescription label or ask your doctor or pharmacist for more information.

Listed below are some common suspected interactions.
Aspirin can decrease the effects of medications (used for regulating blood pressure) by reducing the levels of blood pressure. This may happen because prostaglandins play a major role in regulating blood pressure.
Aspirin with Methotrexate
When Aspirin is used with aminoglycoside antibiotics or methotrexate the blood levels of aminoglycoside or methotrexate can increase, may be due to their elimination process from the body gets reduced. This leads to many side effects.
Individuals using anticoagulants or oral blood thinners like warfarin should not take aspirin as aspirin also aids blood thinning and can result in severe bleeding.
Some other products that can interact with aspirin are
- Acetazolamide
- Blood thinners
- Mifepristone
- Cortoicosteroids like valproic acid and other herbal medications like gingko biloba.
Before using Aspirin, speak to your doctor if you had recently taken vaccines like flu vaccine, varicella vaccine etc.,
Check all non prescription and prescription medicine labels properly because many medications comprise of fever reducers, pain relievers called as NSAIDs like ibuprofen, naproxen etc., to avoid overdose of Aspirin read the labels very carefully before you take other medicines for cold, pain and make sure these medicines do not contain aspirin.
Using NSAIDs can decrease the aspirin’s potential to prevent heart stroke or heart attack. If you are using Aspirin in low doses for preventing heart stroke or attack, discuss with your pharmacist or doctor for more information and to know about other alternative treatments for fever and pain.

Interactions of Aspirin with Anticoagulants/ Mifepristone
The interactions can be severe. These medicines can interact to yield harmful effects and that’s why should not be used together. Consult your physician for details.
You anticoagulant reduces the blood clot formation ability of your body. This may result in more bleeding and excessive bleeding can be fatal too.
Let your physician know that you are using anticoagulant before you start taking mifepristone. If you have already consumed mifepristone and are also using an anticoagulant, contact your physician immediately. You physician can help treat the problem as he knows the possible risks associated with the drug interaction.
Interactions of Aspirin with Ketorolac (Injectable)
The two medications should not be taken together as this can result in severe effects. The effects of either of the drugs can increase if taken together. The side effects associated with the other drugs or aspirin can increase and result in stomach pain or stomach upset, bloody stools, drowsiness or dizziness. In some situations even the function of the kidney is affected.
You need to contact your health provider immediately as he can change or adjust your doses accordingly. Also do not stop, start or change the dosage of medicines you are taking before informing your doctor.
As you do not know the after effects of each drug, it is always better to be safe and consult the physician in advance. You might not know as these effects can be life threatening too.
Symptoms of Aspirin Overdose may include:
- burning pain in the throat or stomach
- vomiting
- decreased urination
- fever
- restlessness
- irritability
- talking a lot and saying things that do not make sense
- fear or nervousness
- dizziness
- double vision
- uncontrollable shaking of a part of the body
- confusion
- abnormally excited mood
- hallucination (seeing things or hearing voices that are not there)
- seizures
- drowsiness
- loss of consciousness for a period of time
Brand names of combination products of Aspirin
- Alka-Seltzer® (containing Aspirin, Citric Acid, Sodium Bicarbonate)
- Alka-Seltzer® Extra Strength (containing Aspirin, Citric Acid, Sodium Bicarbonate)
- Alka-Seltzer® Morning Relief (containing Aspirin, Caffeine)
- Alka-Seltzer® Plus Flu (containing Aspirin, Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan)
- Alka-Seltzer® PM (containing Aspirin, Diphenhydramine)
- Alor® (containing Aspirin, Hydrocodone)
- Anacin® (containing Aspirin, Caffeine)
- Anacin® Advanced Headache Formula (containing Acetaminophen, Aspirin, Caffeine)
- Aspircaf® (containing Aspirin, Caffeine)
- Axotal® (containing Aspirin, Butalbital)
- Azdone® (containing Aspirin, Hydrocodone)
- Bayer® Aspirin Plus Calcium (containing Aspirin, Calcium Carbonate)
- Bayer® Aspirin PM (containing Aspirin, Diphenhydramine)
- Bayer® Back and Body Pain (containing Aspirin, Caffeine)
- BC Headache (containing Aspirin, Caffeine, Salicylamide)
- BC Powder (containing Aspirin, Caffeine, Salicylamide)
- Damason-P® (containing Aspirin, Hydrocodone)
- Emagrin® (containing Aspirin, Caffeine, Salicylamide)
- Endodan® (containing Aspirin, Oxycodone)
- Equagesic® (containing Aspirin, Meprobamate)
- Excedrin® (containing Acetaminophen, Aspirin, Caffeine)
- Excedrin® Back & Body (containing Acetaminophen, Aspirin)
- Goody’s® Body Pain (containing Acetaminophen, Aspirin)
- Levacet® (containing Acetaminophen, Aspirin, Caffeine, Salicylamide)
- Lortab® ASA (containing Aspirin, Hydrocodone)
- Micrainin® (containing Aspirin, Meprobamate)
- Momentum® (containing Aspirin, Phenyltoloxamine)
- Norgesic® (containing Aspirin, Caffeine, Orphenadrine)
- Orphengesic® (containing Aspirin, Caffeine, Orphenadrine)
- Panasal® (containing Aspirin, Hydrocodone)
- Percodan® (containing Aspirin, Oxycodone)
- Robaxisal® (containing Aspirin, Methocarbamol)
- Roxiprin® (containing Aspirin, Oxycodone)
- Saleto® (containing Acetaminophen, Aspirin, Caffeine, Salicylamide)
- Soma® Compound (containing Aspirin, Carisoprodol)
- Soma® Compound with Codeine (containing Aspirin, Carisoprodol, Codeine)
- Supac® (containing Acetaminophen, Aspirin, Caffeine)
- Synalgos-DC® (containing Aspirin, Caffeine, Dihydrocodeine)
- Talwin® Compound (containing Aspirin, Pentazocine)
- Vanquish® (containing Acetaminophen, Aspirin, Caffeine)

Pain Medications, Pain Relief, and Pain Management